Tuesday, August 28, 2012

TED discussion on Aesthetics

If you missed the video on aesthetics, the video can be viewed at the link below.

TED talk:  A Darwinian Theory of Beauty

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Schedule August 22-24

Wednesday, August 22

1. Intro to Course/ Course objectives
2. Lecture: What is Sociology?

Homework, Read “The Promise” by C. Wright Mills. Be prepared to take a quiz over the reading tomorrow

Thursday, August 23

1. Quiz, “The Promise”
2. Discuss the reading
3. Discussion: the aesthetics of Beauty

Friday, August 24

1. Introduction to Clifford Geertz
2. Thick description and cultural interpretation

Welcome to the 2012-13 iCat Class!

Welcome to Integrated Contemporary American Texts.  This class is taught by Mr. Janu and Mr. Miks and is a unique class that combines history, philosophy, sociology, literature and popular culture.  A senior-only course, this class was designed to get you to think and be prepared for college.  Welcome.  We are glad you are here.